
The Rise of Short-Form Video Content for Indian Real Estate Marketing

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Short-form videos receive more engagement than long-form videos. According to a report, 73% of people prefer short-form videos to search for services or products. 47% of marketers say that these videos are likely to go viral. 

Short-form videos can increase conversions by 80%. Looking at these stats, you must know how to leverage the power of short-form videos for marketing. In real estate segments, short-form videos can be a vital tool to increase your visibility in the competitive market. 

As consumer attention span has reduced, the power of this video marketing strategy has increased. Most consumers have switched to short-form videos because it saves time. 

What is a Short-form Video? 

Short-form videos are bite-sized. However, they are as engaging as other video types. These videos clock under 60 seconds and are an instant hit on social media platforms. The reels you see on Instagram are a classic example of short-form videos. 

Besides having high engagement rates, these videos can increase visibility and reach. According to a HubSpot report, short-form videos have the highest ROI, outperforming other market trends. 

Additionally, speed and entertainment value make these videos attractive. The duration varies across platforms, but they captivate and engage the audience. Let’s now see some benefits of short-form video content. 

Quick Engagement 

A short-form video grabs instant attention compared to a long-form video. Social media users prefer to watch a 60-second video rather than a ten-minute one. Due to this, you can expect quick engagement on all the platforms. 

YouTube shorts and Instagram reels are classic examples of how these video types drive engagement. Besides capturing interest, it can give homebuyers a fair idea about your services. You can share property highlights and market snippets via this format. 


One of the main benefits of short-form videos is shareability. Most social media platforms thrive on sharable content. Short-form videos are more likely to be reposted or shared. 

If you are a real estate agent, it also means that your video can reach potential home buyers. The best part is that you can generate more leads and increase sales. 

Time Efficient 

People are always on the move. They look to absorb information quickly. Short-form videos are time efficient as they cater to speedy consumption. Watching a short video does not take time, and the message reaches the audience soon. 

Real estate agents can deliver valuable information without the pressure of creating content. Moreover, this approach is structured to provide property features and key takeaways. Real estate companies can also share market trends with potential home buyers. 

Adapting to Mobile Format

More than 50% of mobile traffic comes from mobile phones. Short-form content is best for the mobile format because it offers a seamless viewing experience – on the go. Besides, real estate agents who leverage the power of mobile format can connect with their audience organically. 

Driving More Traffic 

Short-form videos are a great way to drive more traffic to your site. By captivating the audience with real estate videos, you can lead them to websites or social media platforms. 

When they visit your site – they can get comprehensive information about your services. It helps keep clients engaged with your content ecosystem. 

Content Strategy You Can Follow for Short-form Videos:

A well-thought-out content strategy can help you achieve your marketing goals. Your short-form video must create an impact on the audience. Here are some tips you can follow:

Work on your Objectives 

How will you reach your goal if you don’t work on your objectives? You must define your video content goals before you create a marketing plan. 

Determine what you intend to achieve. Some companies want to increase brand awareness, while some look to generate leads. You can set goals to increase engagement or boost website traffic. By setting up SMART goals, you can increase engagement to a great extent. 

Understand Your Audience 

Knowing the pulse of the audience is significant. Besides, you can’t resonate with the audience if you aren’t aware of likes and dislikes. To learn more about the audience, use Google Analytics or other tools. 

Analytics can gather information related to age, interests, and location. Ideally, you can use social listening tools to monitor sentiments and conversations about your brand. 

Research Trends 

It’s essential to stay informed about the industry trends. Before you create a video for your campaign, stay updated with the market trends that work on platforms like YouTube and Instagram. 

Google Trends is an excellent way to identify trending topics and hashtags. Also, you can use the power of hashtags to create a suitable marketing plan. 

Make Compelling Videos 

Even a short video form can inform your audience and leave an impact. However, the way you do it matters the most. Create structured videos with content that resonates with the audience. 

Besides engagement, your focus should be on evoking emotions. Whether you use humor or curiosity, people are more likely to share emotional content. 

Optimize your Content for Different Platforms

You won’t get the desired results if you don’t optimize your videos on different platforms. Optimizing your content for platforms like Instagram and Twitter is essential. 

As the audience is different, your strategy has to be different. For instance, you can create creative content (punchy captions, visually appealing, and smart hashtags) for Instagram, where there are more millennials. For Twitter, you can make a straightforward video with a clear message. 

Analyse and Promote 

Analyze your marketing campaign by using different insight tools. Tweak changes according to your reach and followers. Also, promote your videos on diverse platforms. 

For instance, you can add short-form content to email newsletters to increase the audience’s curiosity. Additionally, if you have budget, use paid ads. YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram can help you to reach the right people. Ensure that you promote your video for a target base. 

Utilize the power of short-form videos, 

While creating a short forum video, get straight to the point. Ideally, you can include a call to action in your videos to generate leads. Lastly, try using captions and hashtags to make your video stand out. It’s time you leverage the power of short-form videos. 

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